Thursday, May 7, 2009

Winding Down The Road

Sorry I have not been updating this as much as I want to. Been busy with school functions and tending to academic responsibilities. I have also been battling a little cough/stuffed up nose the last few days, so that has also slowed me down a tad. Started taking medicine for it Tuesday evening and have felt a lot better today, so that is encouraging, at least it wasn't the swine flu. It took some prodding by one of my buddies here at school to finally get me to go see a doctor on Tuesday. I usually try to beat illnesses naturally for a couple of days and than I resort to taking medicine if it starts effecting me too much. I guess it is kind of a male pride type thing. Don't want to take medicine unless its absolutely necessary and don't want to have to spend money on medicine either. I'd rather spend it on other things like food or nice clothes or something like that.

The "stache" has been operating under about 5-6 hours of sleep a night this week, so that has been adjustment I have had to deal with. I have had trouble getting to sleep this week and I have several theories behind this phenomenon. One is that I have had some major coughing fits right as I try to go to bed, this is a likely cause for the first couple of days for sure this week. Two, is that I have a lot of stuff on my mind this week. A lot of things going on this week. Our Senior Omega Projects were on Wednesday, had to celebrate completion of the Omega projects Wednesday night, which was a good stress reliever for all that attended, had a test today in another class, along with the worries of other upcoming projects and tests and also of my future after college. Which seems to be a popular topic of conversation around the water cooler these last couple of weeks. I hate giving the "I do not know" response, but its true right now. I do not know what I really want to do, don't know when I am going to figure that out, hopefully sooner than later, but we'll see what God has in store for me. My third and final theory on my sleep deprivation this week is my lack of physical exercise. I just feel a little restless at night. I have only ran once in the last 11 days. It is all part of my plan to just get away for awhile, and then jump back into it when I am back home after school gets out. I think my mind needs an opportunity to recover from all that competitive running that I have done. For any of those of you out there who have done any kind of running, you know the mental challenges it possess and I just need to take a step back from the grind of it all. Also from this standpoint it allows me to focus all my energies onto finishing up the semester strongly. I know they say running can stimulate the mind, but I like I said I needed a break from that because it can bring you down physically which means you need more rest and thus less time to do studying. I have noticed one thing and I knew this would happen, my appetite has shrank over the last week and a half. I now eat more like a "normal" person. Instead of getting 3-4 plates of food plus desserts, it is closer to 1-2 plates a meal and sometime I do not finish the food on these plates. I realize the importance of not stuffing myself, cause that is how you put on the weight. Quality over quantity is what I am trying to stress more now.

Only 16 days stand between me and the real world, can't believe that day is so close. The days seem to be picking up speed. I am not sure what I am going to feel on that day or when its going to hit me that I need to make up my mind on what the heck I want to do. It's crunch time now, followed by chill time for about a month, and then its serious time to find a job. Someone has got to pay off the 17k that I owe to the government after 4 years of school. I'd prefer it not be my parents, they have already paid enough money on me. It's time to start being more responsible and make some life decisions, but not yet, not yet.


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