Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Reflection and Thanks

What a beautiful day here in the mountains of North Carolina. Temperatures hovering around 70 under partly cloudy skies. No sign of rain for the first time in about 2 weeks as we have had some form of rain here over about a 2 week period. All of those rainy, and somewhat miserable days make up for it on days like this. Took about a 30 minute walk around campus this afternoon to soak it all in and just get some fresh air and exercise. It was very enjoyable and it helped to clear my mind of any troubles. Each day for me over the last week has gotten progressively better from a mental health standpoint. These are the best days of life for sure right now. Still under the protection of school, but winding it all up in less than a week gives me great joy. The anticipation of the moment I am done with it has been building steadily over the last several days. I keep imagining how I will feel and really won't truly know until it has all been completed. I have exams of variety in nature on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday. A few presentations, a couple of papers, a test is what awaits me. I am not liking how some of these projects and presentations are going to be weighted so much compared to other things but I guess it just gives me an opportunity to really come through in the clutch with some good grades. I think I am going to miss this place, the friends and relationships that I have established with so many here, the senior business class is one that I will never forget as we have had so many wonderful memories with each other. Reflecting upon it now I realize how much I have enjoyed spending time with a majority of these folks. We all know each other's strengths and weaknesses in the classroom and most recently have gotten to know each other more on a personal level as we have completed our senior research class. I think its that common bond that we all shared to get our final business plans completed and presented. It is a unique bond that we have developed that can only be shared by those in the class. We all seem to get along except for a few instances where are competitiveness, stubbornness, and ego get in the way of each other. When you are dealing with 22-23 year olds their is a lot of emotion, stress, and uncertainty of what is around the corner and I think that contributes to some of the tension we have at times. I am glad I chose the major that I did because it brought me to come into contact with some neat people of different ethnic backgrounds and cultures. I also came into contact with some wonderful professors who have shared their experiences with us on a personal and non-personal level that I really respect. It helps to know where people come from so you can better understand the message they are trying to send to you. My professors have not been hesitant to share in personal stories of success and failures and I really appreciate all that have done to help the business department grow to where it is today. I hope I am able to maintain contact with all of them. My peers in the classroom as well as the professors to whom I have spent many a hour and day with. There are so many memories that I leave here with and I am very grateful for the decision I made to come here. It was a place that allowed me to grow and develop at my own pace. It is also a good place because of its location it allows a lot of time for reflection and perspective on your role in this world. There are not many distractions here and that allows for you to process things and really think about things. It has given me a lot of time to reflect on my future and what steps I need to make in my life to become a better person and a successful person. I have learned that success is not always defined by material possessions but in how you treat and deal with others, to be well-respected is the most important quality I want others to see in me. I have so many people to thank, but I would be remiss if I did not mention my parents who have not so much pushed me but helped to guide me along the way. They have always been there when I needed something and they continue to be there for me as I enter this next phase in my life. They have not forced me to do anything I did not want to do. They have supported all of the decisions I have made and have allowed me to grow at my own pace. They don't interfere, they have done a great job and I thank them for not trying to make me something I am not. So I end this little walk down memory lane. I hope to have many new memories along the way and I look forward in anticipation as to what lies around the corner. For the first time in 22 years I truly do not know what awaits me and I could not be more thrilled.


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