Sorry its been awhile since I last posted. I have been busy wrapping up my collegiate career. I have had several presentations and tests over the last 5-6 days or so. I have also been having a blast hanging out with a bunch of my business class peers. I have really enjoyed my last weeks up here and I think I will end up missing the comforts that this school has brought me. I have met so many cool people from all sorts of different backgrounds. I have gotten to know my professors and have been given the tools to succeed in this world. Now it is just a matter of finding that passion and seeking it out to the fullest. A guest speaker, who had been very successful in her industry, that I had the pleasure of listening to earlier this week said a couple of things that really hit me. She said you need to find the shoe that fits, find that thing you are good at and do that very thing. Don't necessarily do what is hard or what others think you should do. Do what comes easy to you because it is the right fit for you. She also said that you need to have a vision of where you see your life and career headed to. You need to think and dream big so that you can achieve big. This really spoke to me and served as part of my motivation to become successful in this world. I want to start up a business with a friend of mine. I won't reveal the idea at this point because it is still in its inital phases, but we believe it is an idea and a plan that can really work. So I am excited to get that process underway. In the meantime, I am looking forward to just taking a break away from responsbility for awhile. I want to take my time this summer and find something that suits me. I need time to regroup and refocus my energies to gear up for the next phase in my life. My only regrets about my four years here is that I didn't get to know other people outside of cross country team. I think it would have made me a lot better person and plus I think I would have had a lot more fun and more memories to be shared. Not that I didn't enjoy the time I had with my team, but I feel like there was definitely something missing from college experience. I have really gotten to know a lot of my business classmates over these last few weeks and it makes me realize what I was missing. It is just a different perspective thats all. A fresh perspective where the conversation is always centered around running. That is why I have enjoyed my 3 weeks off of running, it has served as more of a mental break than a physical one I think. There are days where I do not even think about running, or anything related to the sport and this is something I did not think was possible at any point in my 8+ years of running. I was so consumed by it that I did not take the time to apprecaite the other facets of life. I got better with having more of a "life" over my 4 years here. But with everything I did, every action I did, I always had running in the back of my mind. If it wasn't in the back of my mind, some teammate was always bringing up how a certain situation was going to effect my running. I think this last year of running I struggled with trying to only think of running when it was time to run and not all the time. I think this hurt my focus a little this year, I was not being anayltical in my training like I probably should have, but then again I think I still put forth the same physical effort, but my mind was worried about so many different things. With all this being said, I am actually looking forward to getting back into decent shape after all this school stuff is over with in about a week or so. It will be a different approach to running I think. One where I am not going to pre-determine the time or distance I will be running but to just go the distance I feel like on that particular day. There is no rush to get into shape for anything, take time to enjoy it and appreciate everything that I have been given in my life. All the people who have helped me to get where I am today, too numerous to mention. Every new person I meet allows me to see things in a different perspective, a different light, that is what I will miss from this place I called home for 4 years. Meeting so many different people. I hope to keep up my relationships with them as that is what I will miss the most about this small school up in the mountains. The people, the team, but most of all, the memories I shared with them all over the years. I wish I had more memories, but the ones that I did have will stick with me forever. Everything happens for a reason. I need to work on some things about myself, but overall I am pleased with how everything has turned out. I look to the future with great antisipation and excitement. It is really hard for me, and those of you who know me well can attest to this, to not know what I will be doing next. I like to have a plan for everything, usually pretty strict plan if you know me. The future for me now is truly an unknown and I could not be more thrilled. Thanks for reading.
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