Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday Top 5, Part 3

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I am giving you the pleasure of 2 blogs in one day, so be happy and rejoice full for it. It will not happen all that often. On this wet Saturday I got the privilege of trying out some new trails that were developed last summer in our county for the first time this afternoon. They were pretty cool, all dirt and grass, some in the woods some in the open fields, several miles worth, up and downhill, got nice and muddy. Also enjoyed some basketball this afternoon, although not as exciting as the previous couple of days, it was still was nice to see some hoops in full swing in Mid-March. Now on to the main portion of this evening's blog, "The Saturday Top 5," a weekly tradition on "the stache," where dreams are realized and fantasies come true. This top 5 will be the top 5 places that I want to visit in my life.

1. Ireland- If you have ever seen "The Quiet Man," with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara than you could understand why this would be a cool place to visit. All the green, the countryside, the pubs, I think it would be really cool to visit.

2. Greece- Something about the architecture, the ancient history, the Mediterranean Sea and to visit the place where the Olympics began, would be pretty neat. History has always been a passion of mine, and there is not many places in the world that have the history that Greece has to offer.

3. Australia- The Outback, the kangaroos, the koala bears, and everything else involved with this country/continent would all be really cool to visit. The idea of being so far away from everything else, from home, on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is appealing to me.

4. Egypt- One word, Pyramids. History, the Nile River, Moses and The Ten Commandments. The river that flows North, the longest in the world. Something about seeing something so ancient and still be standing, is just a marvel to behold.

5. Italy- Mediterranean Sea, the Alps, the food, the history, the Godfather, the traditions, the vineyards, Rome, these are all things that I would like to see and be a part of. You can see places all you want on TV but until you experience them yourself then it does not truly resonate with you.

These places are places that I would be at peace with, just taking tours across the countrysides of these countries. I love to travel, and I would love to travel to all these places and many more throughout the world. Places like Germany, Russia, China, South America, Japan, and others all have a place in my heart. Seeing the Alps, seeing the Pacific Ocean, something I have never seen in my life would be exciting, refreshing, and breathtaking all at once. There are not many opportunities to go travel abroad and I hope to get the opportunity to visit, travel and learn a little about the culture of these places. Going on trips of any sort puts things into some kind of perspective. You never know how or what thing or place will effect your life and your outlook on how you approach and look at things. That is all "the stache" has for now. I hope you enjoyed this latest installment. Selection Sunday is soon to be upon us. Enjoy it.


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